My third Arizona flowers video adds another three dozen or so species I’ve photographed on my travels across the elevated forests, canyons and mountains of Arizona. There should not be any repeats from my previous high country flowers video, though there may be some in common with my low desert flowers video. (Because some flowers are found in diverse biomes.)
Wildflowersearch.org has been an invaluable tool in identifying many of the following species:
- Pineywoods geranium, Lewis flax, field bindweed, bee spiderflower, cliff-rose, common sunflower, white virgin’s bower ( Sandy’s Canyon & Walnut Canyon )
- Buffalo gourd, spotted knapweed, southwestern prickly poppy, Scotch common thistle ( Prescott Circle Trail )

- Hills lupine, yellow salsify, western dayflower, orange agoseris, linearleaf four-o’clock ( Gentry Canyon )
- Paintbrush, Canada violet, Wheeler’s thistle ( Merritt Draw & Maverick Canyon )
- Woodland strawberry, Arizona valerian, alpine pennycress ( Bear Canyon Lake )
- Aspen pea, Rocky Mountain iris, spreadfruit goldenbanner ( East Clear Creek )
- Pygmy bluet, Arizona wild rose, ceanothus, showy phlox, alpine false springparsley ( Blue Ridge Trail #107 )
- Silverleaf nightshade ( Iron King Trail )
- Sulphur buckwheat, common mallow, prairie sunflower ( Buffalo Park & McMillan Mesa )
Flower Video
Arizona Flowers: High Country #2 from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.