I was having my regular Monday lunch with my dad when he suggested I make a video just of the flowers I photograph while hiking. Since I have several work crews visiting the house this week, getting out for an “away hike” would be difficult, so it seemed like a good time to do so.
Because I have photographed so many flowers, to keep the resulting video relatively bite size, I decided to split it in two: Low desert flowers in one, high country flowers in another. Neither is by any means a complete catalog, as I am still finding new — to me — species. Also, I had previously deleted some of my older photos to keep my database manageable. 😖
Here then are roughly three dozen desert flower species and the hikes on which I found them:
- Dudleya ( Cave Creek / Skunk Tank )
- Scorpionweed, desert chicory ( Maricopa Trail: Spur Cross to CCRP )
- Brittlebush, paleface delphinium, burro weed strangler, Mexican gold poppy, desert globemallow, white mutant poppy, cream cup, lupine, chia ( Bartlett Lake )

- Sacred datura ( Cottonwood Canyon )
- Flat top buckwheat, foxtail ( Fraser & Randolph Canyons )
- Fiddleneck, New Mexico thistle, wiry lotus, fairy duster, chuparosa, small wirelettuce ( Granite Mountain )
- Desert wishbone bush, filaree, globe chamomile, barestem larkspur, strawberry hedgehog ( Cave Creek Regional Park )
- Owl clover ( Black Canyon Trail Segment #3 )
- Creosote, miniature woollystar, ocotillo, desert marigold ( Brown’s Mountain )
- Redstem stork’s bill, rough menodora, desert woollystar, silverleaf nightshade ( Black Canyon Trail Segment #11 )