My intent was to more or less follow the rim of Promontory Butte, all the way around. I figured it would be about 9 miles, 10 with wandering. However, the little side canyons I intended to mostly cut across, turned out to be a deeper and steeper than the topo implied. I could have crossed them, but instead followed their edges until it wouldn’t be quite so deep & steep, resulting in my doubling my expected mileage & time. One side canyon took me back to FR 76. I decided since I would be on FR 76 for a little bit anyway, I would just head back to where I parked, and drive my wife up to Promontory Point so she could enjoy the view as well.

Directions: From Phoenix, head north on AZ-87, the Beeline Highway, into Payson. Turn right on AZ-260. In 29 miles, after cresting the Mogollon Rim, take the first left onto FR 300 / Rim Rd. In 3.2 miles, at the Woods Canyon Lake intersection, Rim Rd. changes to car-drivable dirt. 9.4 miles from AZ-260 is a t-intersection. Turn left. (Right is FR 34 to Winslow.) In 2.7 miles, turn left onto FR 76. The best views are in 3.7 miles, at the far south end of FR 76.
GPS File: FR76_Promontory_Butte_Mogollon_Rim
Distance: 3.48 miles
AEG: 286 ft.
Time: 1h 35m
Driving FR 76 to Promontory Point
Driving FR 76 on Promontory Butte, Mogollon Rim from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.