Kingsnake’s Dashcam #90

PTSD: Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder

Kingsnake's Dashcam #90

Winter is officially upon us. It is -8℉ in Flagstaff as I type. Thankfully, “only” 36℉ in Phoenix. So, this is the time of year when I do my locals hikes in a slightly less frigid clime. (“Locals hike” is the term I use for metro area hikes that are not as long, with less AEG, not requiring a GPS, and which avoid bushwhacking.)

But usually driving more street miles than highway miles does not mean encountering fewer Phoenix asshole drivers: It just changes the nature of their bad driving. Unfortunately (?), this past month it has also meant fewer dashcam-worthy captures, meaning a shorter video. Is that a good thing?

Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder (PTSD) lowlights

  1. Stupid Bike Stuff. 🚴🏻‍♂️
  2. Yakety Sax. 🎷
  3. Surprise! 🤧
  4. Scooter Playing Frogger. 🐸
  5. What the fuck, asshole? 🟤

Kingsnake’s Dashcam #90

Kingsnake’s Dashcam #90 from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.