South Mountain: Hau’Pal Loop

Hau'Pal Loop - Alta Trail - Bajada Trail - Max Delta Trail - T-Bone Trail

Looking down Hau'Pal Loop, and across Phoenix, to (left-to-right) Shaw Butte, North Mountain, Piestewa Peak, Mummy Mountain, Camelback Mountain and Papago Buttes. Most of the 1,000 ft. Hau'Pal Loop climb is visible.
Looking down Hau'Pal Loop, and across Phoenix, to (left-to-right) Shaw Butte, North Mountain, Piestewa Peak, Mummy Mountain, Camelback Mountain and Papago Buttes. Most of the 1,000 ft. Hau'Pal Loop climb is visible.

Today, I hiked the first third of Hau’Pal Loop; bits of Alta Trail, Bajada Trail, Max Delta Trail and Crosscut Trail; then finished with the final third of Hau’Pal Loop. That route is 5.5 miles, 1,430 ft. AEG.

Hau’Pal Loop is a 3.0 mile, 1,030 ft. AEG (accumulated elevation gain) hike that starts and ends at the 19th Ave. Trailhead. Despite being an official trail, two-thirds of Hau’Pal Loop is not even shown on the official South Mountain park map. (The other third is mislabelled as “Ma Ha Tauk Trail”.)

Same location as the header photo, but looking the opposite direction, 100 yds. to the top of Hau'Pal Loop. Left for the 3.0 mile loop, right along Alta Trail for the 5.5 mile loop.
Same location as the header photo, but looking the opposite direction, 100 yds. to the top of Hau’Pal Loop. Left for the 3.0 mile loop, right along Alta Trail for the 5.5 mile loop.
The hard work done, I hiked west on Alta Trail, along the Ma Ha Tauk ridgeline.
The hard work done, I hiked west on Alta Trail, along the Ma Ha Tauk ridgeline.

I judge “official” by the presence of signs, which are plentiful. Each trail is color-coded: Hau’Pal Loop is green, Alta Trail is purple, Max Delta Trail is light blue, Crosscut Trail is brown, and Bajada Trail is also green. They did not have QR codes. Maybe because cell reception was non-existent even at the top of Hau’Pal Loop, within site of Mount Suppoa’s antenna farm?

Heading down Alta Trail. Mount Suppoa antenna farm just 2½ miles away.
Heading down Alta Trail. Mount Suppoa antenna farm just 2½ miles away.

The only flowers I saw was one blooming creosote, when I returned to the 19th Ave. Trailhead. Five of the previous six first weeks of March had plenty of flowers. Only 2021 was the exception, and even that sparse hike had more than today. We need rain soon. (On Friday, after I typed this, South Mountain received 0.35″ of rain.)

Enjoying some hiking food, while taking a break at the stone chair halfway down Alta Trail. Looking southwest to the Loop 202 and Sierra Estrella.
Enjoying some hiking food, while taking a break at the stone chair halfway down Alta Trail. Looking southwest to the Loop 202 and Sierra Estrella.

Despite what Google Earth or the park map may claim, on the ground, there is no T-Bone Trail. It, the bottom of Warrior Trail, and various old jeep trails are being remediated, and are posted with various “do not enter” signs.

The hatched, light red, lines are remediated trails, including T-Bone Trail (top). Green is Crosscut Trail. Right is Max Delta Trail.
The hatched, light red, lines are remediated trails, including T-Bone Trail (top). Green is Crosscut Trail. Right is Max Delta Trail.

The 19th Ave. Trailhead has no toilets. The Vista Point / Big Ramada trailhead, inside the park, does. If you hike a lollipop from Vista Point, add 0.6 miles and 200 ft. AEG roundtrip. If you skip Bajada Trail, instead hiking Alta Trail direct to the San Juan Bike Hub, knock 0.5 miles off your expected distance. You could also start at San Juan Bike Hub, but there are no toilets there either. All parking is free.

From Crosscut Trail, looking northeast across Vista Point / Big Ramada, and the Phoenix Police Academy, to Camelback Mountain. If you hear shooting, no worries: It's the police range.
From Crosscut Trail, looking northeast across Vista Point / Big Ramada, and the Phoenix Police Academy, to Camelback Mountain. If you hear shooting, no worries: It’s the police range. 👮🏻‍♂️

Directions: The trailhead is at the southernmost end of 19th Ave. Personally, I drove straight down 19th Ave. from Sunnyslope. Bad move. At grade railroad crossing at Lower Buckeye Rd. — right next to a rail yard. Ugh. Fifteen minute delay while they shuffled cars. Instead, from I-17, take exit 196 south onto 7th Ave. In 2.5 miles, turn right on Southern Ave. In 1.0 miles, turn left on 19th Ave. Drive until you can’t go any further (about 2.5 miles).

Park Map: South_Mountain_Park_Trail_Map (pdf)

GPS File: South_Mountain_HauPal_Alta_Bajada_Crosscut

Distance: 5.89 mi.

AEG: 1,443 ft.

Time: 2h 30m

Rumble Video

Vimeo Video

Hiking Hau’Pal Loop, South Mountain from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.