I have Writers’ Block. Not sure what dashcam-related subject to write about this month. I have a cross-country trip coming up this Fall. With Chinese Lung AIDs compounding the normal miseries of flying, a lack of alcohol in the airports and having to wear a useless Kabuki Theater mask for hours at a time, makes my dick limp. I’d rather drive three days each way. It will be interesting to see what has become of the wasteland 6+ months into 15-days of “flattening the curve” …
Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder (PTSD) lowlights:
- Eating at Wendy’s. 🍔
- Slower traffic keep right? 🤣
- Never criticize your wife. 😇
- Nice apex, asshole. 🏎
- King Asshole. 👑
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #76
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.