Well, in Phoenix Asshole Drivers #73 I speculated about about going back to monthly dashcam posts. By sheer coincidence, it has been a month since that upload: Not on purpose, but because I simply was not getting enough decent material. Every stop sign runner? *yawn* I threw out a lot of stuff, and some of what remains are longer segments, so hopefully it turned out well. Since bi-weekly four minute videos is more work than a monthly eight minute video, I think I try monthly the rest of 2020 and see how it goes.
Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder (PTSD) lowlights:
- BMW Butthole. 🟤
- Why DO you have a SUV? 🤔
- Look ma! No hands! 📲
- Guardrail pretzel. 🥨
- King Asshole. 👑
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #74
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.