On January 17, 1920, the United States prohibited the production, sale and transport of alcohol. But not its possession. Rich people emptied out liquor stores & warehouses in the months beforehand, so they would have many years supply. They could also afford to travel to the Caribbean for legal alcohol. Working class stiffs, not so much.
Making sure Joe Six Pack actually had a six pack, funded the nascent Mafia. As many fuzzy black & white Jimmy Cagney and George Raft movies attest, Prohibition didn’t work. On April 7, 1933, it was repealed. 🎉
Today, National Beer Day, April 7th, I celebrate that glorious occasion with a video of the beers I’ve consumed before, during & after my hikes in Wisconsin and Nevada, on the Mogollon Rim, along the C&O Canal, and even while mine exploring.
Beers I’ve quaffed include Weihenstephaner (Germany), Efes (Turkey), Hoegaarden (the Netherlands) and perhaps my favorite, Barkley’s Peanut Butter Cup Porter.
Prost! 🍻
Hiking Beer Video
Hiking Beer 2021 from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.