I think Coronavirus / COVID19 / Wuhan Flu / Sino Sinus Syphilis / Chinese Lung AIDS is a big nothing burger: Worldwide, regular seasonal flu kills something like 250,000 up to 650,000 Â people per year. Every year. As of the middle of March, 2020, in the midst of flu season, Wuhan Flu has so far killed around 5,000 people. Almost 90% of them elderly and/or with pre-existing severe medical conditions. In the same three months, regular flu has killed 62,000 up to 162,000 people! Like I said, much ado about nothing. But the world has lost its collective shit, which is not a good thing as the stores are completely empty of shit paper. So, might as well laugh at the madness!
Obviously, there’s a billion Coronavirus memes floating around, and Lord knows I’ve posted most to my twitter feed, but these are the just the ones I created. 😉

Joke not make sense? Read on, if you dare: Wikipedia.
