It’s ironic that as the snowbirds migrate north to their summer cabins in the Midwest, I’ve actually been experiencing more Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You’d think it would be the other way around, as they clog the freeway in their Winnebagos, passing at 50 mph. But no. 🤔
I’ve captured so many dashcam incidents, that I had three editions of Phoenix Asshole Drivers in the can by the middle of April. If I kept publishing monthly, I might never catch up. So, I decided to go biweekly, posting the beginning and middle of every month. So, look forward to more PTSD in two weeks!
- Brake-a-bation. 🚗✊💦
- Unique interpretation of turn lane protocol. 🧐
- Plenty’O’Red light runners. 🚨
- Traffic clog dialog. 🗣
- The King Asshole. 👑
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #24
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.