When I was up here last September, on my own, I thought my wife would love this place. Every once in awhile since, I’ve mentioned it. Last week, in the Az Republic hike section she noticed some hikes up near Flagstaff, and mentioned she might like to try one, as it was short and only a few hundred feet AEG. So, I took the opportunity to ask if maybe, in light of how much she walked on our European vacation, she might like to visit Woods Canyon Lake. She agreed, and as Wednesday was due to kick off Hell Week, off we went.
We did the hike counterclockwise, as I figured that had the best panoramic views of the lake, and the sun would be behind us, and if my wife’s feet started hurting we could thus turn back with her having seen some nice scenery. We got lucky when we happened upon a heron near the corkscrew dam. He let us walk up within 20 feet of him, showing no signs of nervousness. I think maybe he was waiting for a handout. 😉

I don’t recall if the eagle signs and fences were up last fall, but they were definitely in great, and forest disturbing, abundance today. Reminded me of that song: “everywhere the signs, blocking out the scenery” etc. 🙄
We averaged 2.4 mph for the first half of the hike, which I was was really proud of my wife for walking so fast. We slowed down the second half, but she was a trooper. (At the end, a lady in a beach chair congratulated my wife on doing such a good job, which was really nice of her.)
Afterwards, we had a picnic at the Woods Canyon Vista.
Directions: From Phoenix, head north on AZ-87, the Beeline Highway, to the main intersection in Payson. Head east on AZ-260. BEWARE: The speed limit in Star Valley is only 45 mph. In 29 miles, just after AZ-260 tops the Rim, turn left onto FR 300, aka Rim Road. In three miles, turn right onto Woods Canyon Rd., following it to the end at the bait shop. The entire drive is paved, but if you continue west on Rim Road, it is car drivable dirt.
GPS File: Woods_Canyon_Lake
Distance: 3.70 mi.
AEG: 362 ft.
Time: 1h 45m
“Signs”, Five Man Electrical Band
Signs from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.