I was planning on being up here anyway to look for colors, and hopefully find some close to wherever I parked so that my wife could enjoy them also. I knew Kelley was usually off work on Monday, so sent her a late PM / text on Sunday. She was up for it, unfortunately my wife wasn’t, even for the easier upper part of the west drainage. Last year, same day, the maple and oak were deep burgundy and maroon, this year just turning off green, with slight orange or red. I think later this week will be peak color. Lots of cool moss and fungi though. The climb out the east drainage was short, but quite steep. Temps were perfect 55° hiking weather. However, I am just getting over a pretty bad cold, and so got quite congested near the end. Still, a good day, and FR 300 was smoother — despite all the rain — than it was back in May or June or whenever it was I did East Bear Canyon.

Distance: 5.08 mi.
AEG: 503 ft.
Time: 2h 36m
Hike Video
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.