Almost two years ago, my wife & I travelled to Scotland for some Celtic matches. While there, we visited the grave of William Angus in Carluke, south of Glasgow. William was awarded the Victoria Cross for “The bravest deed done in the history of the British Army.” (Lt. Col. Gemmill, Highland Light Infantry) I get goosebumps just thinking about it. We also visited the military museum at Edinburgh Castle to view William’s VC, and other medals. Six months later, we were in mainland Europe, and I took advantage of the opportunity to visit Givenchy, France, to view the site of William’s action. I took a lot of pictures. (At some point, I will turn the pictures into a video.) When we got home, I got in contact with the lady who runs the forvalour.com site, but just this week got around to burning a CD with the pictures, along with some other info, including a GPS .gpx file for anyone else who needs guidance to the site. Today, I walked down to the post office to mail it to her. And to pick up a gas station flower for my wife.
Distance: 2.85 mi.
AEG: 113 ft.
Time: 52m