Another year, more of my best photographs. 📷👍
Unlike my Top 40 Photos of 2016, this year I chose what I thought were my Top 10, then held a public vote to determine what you thought was best. (The turnout was massive. 🙄)
Since Twitter does not allow photo polls, I had to find some web site that did, was easy to use, and would not require giving up a whole bunch of personal information to register. EasyPolls.net, fit the bill, allowing me to use my Google credentials instead.
So, I put the photos in a three round ‘playoff’:
- 1st Quarterfinal, pitting C&O Canal colors against Coronado Mesa hiker:
- 2nd Quarterfinal, pitting Burr Oak Woods mold versus Arizona Snowbowl fall colors and Walnut Canyon flower:
- 3rd Quarterfinal, Ice Age Trail flowers taking on Wisconsin pier and psychedelic Black Hills rock:
- 4th Quarterfinal, pitting my personal favorite, San Diego harbor sunset, against Shenipsit Trail reflecting pond:
I was seriously bummed the sunset did not at least make it to the grand finale. 😥
The semifinals pitted the winners of Q1 v. Q2 and Q3 v Q4:
- 1st Semifinal
- 2nd Semifinal
And, then the grand finale, pitting the fall colors at the Arizona Snowbowl against the reflecting pond on Connecticut’s Shenipsit Trail. Should be a close one …
But you have to watch the video to see who won. 😉
Top 40 Photos Video
Top Photos (2017) from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.