Comics & Memes
I call them “comics” but they are visual hacks, memes, etc. that may be humorous or serious. Artistic quality = nil.
I call them “comics” but they are visual hacks, memes, etc. that may be humorous or serious. Artistic quality = nil.
Close-ups: Just say “No!”: You! Yes, you, ESPN. Especially you! What is up with this sick American sports broadcasting fetish with anything and everything but the actual […]
Photo List This photo depicts: WWF Superstar Dusty Rhodes signing his New York Times bestseller. Joey Buttafouco explaining his philosophy on life & love. Pablo […]
Oldfart Matthäus Photo List This photo depicts: Lothar & the Hand People performing their hit “Space Hymn”. Lothar commanding his minions to kneel before him. […]
The Beer’s Prayer Our lager, Which art in barrels, Swallowed be thy drink. From keg or case, Thy will be drunk, At home as it […]
Celebrity sighting: I saw Sepp Blatter today. Then I flushed. Lumber futures up in European markets: Rivaldo, the newly-crowned European Footballer of the Year, was recently restored […]
Photo Quiz This photo depicts: Nicky Butt buggering Dean Windass Nicola$ Anelka being screwed by Arsenal San Francisco Bay Seals halftime show Nicola$ Anelka being […]
Hurtado draws lots for World Cup ’02 The news you’ve been dying to hear: In Lichtenstein, Vaduz lead their group with six wins, four draws and […]
Viera hacks world record phlegm Moody Frenchman Patrick Viera celebrates by leaping over his monster lung cookie. RotMasters Capture French International: The London Times, a paper several […]
Dumbass Treckerism of the Week: TotW was under the impression, due to the virtually simultaneous disappearance of Jerry Trecker from Sporting News and appearance of Jamie Trecker at […]
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