Kingsnake's Dashcam #109

Kingsnake’s Dashcam #109

2023-07-05 0

Mrs. Kingsnake’s Dashcam made brief forays this month to California and Washington State. This episode leads off with a couple of incidents from the latter, […]

Hiking Food #2: McDonald's Filet-O-Fish, Shamrock Shake & Fries

Hiking Food #2

2020-06-01 0

Mostly food I’ve eaten before, during & after hikes. The Newbeats “Bread & Butter” is so short though, under two minutes, that I couldn’t get […]

Hiking Beer #5 and Other Beer-li-ness

Hiking Beer #5

2020-04-07 0

When it’s not too hot, and I can spare the pack space, I like to squeeze in a bottle of heavenly nectar. Like Ben Franklin […]

The roadside memorial for Sandra Maydole (1963-2001) is at the intersection of I-10 and US-60.

Roadside Memorials #5

2017-03-18 0

I just realized I never did a blog for my first Roadside Memorial video. Three years ago, I was just figuring out the whole YouTube thing. […]

Hiking Beer #2 and Other Beer-li-ness

I Like Beer

2016-12-30 0

Johnny Cash has always been my favorite musician. My earliest musical memory is being seven years old, driving on North Avenue, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to […]

One of two gas stations in Desert Center, both abandoned since the early 70s.

Desert Center

2014-12-26 0

On our way west to Xmas in Mission Viejo, I noticed this place just below Chiriaco Summit. I swear I could remember when it was […]