Started from larger parking area about a quarter mile north of the official trailhead, on the west side of the road. Plenty of parking there. No facilities though. Followed Trail #15 south, crossing AZ 87 through a large gap in the fence. At the official trailhead, there is wire-wrap gate, but just north a few yards, on top of a small rise, is a normal gate. I used that. I hate trying to get the wire loop back over the pole on wire-wrap gates.
There is no foot trail. It is all old jeep trail. (Or, wagon trail.) It is rocky until you get up over the rim, in about three miles, but the rocks are flat, not ankle breakers, so you can make good pace. I actually jogged bit on the way back down. Though not a trail runner, I think Rock Wall Trail #608 would make a great trail run: Decent elevation gain (800 feet in three miles, most of that in the first two), decent surface, at an elevation that makes your lungs work a bit more.
Found something called the “Bear Foot Trail”, which … uhh … bears further exploration. *ba-ding-TISH!!!* Thank you, thank you, try the veal, don’t forget to tip your wait staff …
I met a local along the way who told me #608 is the original road from Strawberry to the top of the Rim, before AZ 87 was built. The ascent is mild, the road well graded (especially originally), and great care obviously taken in safety features such as the fill & retaining walls. With but one exception (possibly washed away), every drainage is crossed with a culvert & fill to maintain grade. Pretty cool from an engineering stand point.
A little bit past the max elevation (~7050 ft.), I turned west on FR 9367R 1.5 miles to AZ 87, where I had a snack. I spent 40 minutes on a tree stump, filming cars, hoping for some decent footage of a sufficiently large truck to end my video with. (Because it just seemed like a good idea to contrast that against the older road.)
GPS File: Rock_Wall_Trail_608
Distance: 9.87 mi.
AEG: 1,274 ft.
Time: 3h 29m
Hike Video
Rock Wall Trail #608, Mogollon Rim from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.