While I putting together my 2015 photo highlights video, I realized that what looked like good photos, viewed normally, did not look quite so good when placed in a video. The main reason being that I shot the stills in 4:3, whereas I have been shooting my video segments in 16:9. Lucklily, that is adjustable, so I switched the stills to shoot 16:9. This is the first hike where I have tested the new still format. Let’s see how it goes …
I took 42 pics and 2 videos, which may seem like a lot for a 3-mile hike, but in reality that was only 16 different views, with some shot as many as eight times, each a slightly different way, just to make sure I got one good photo out of the view. (Any more would not have been safe.) I do that anyway, even when I am not experimenting with a new format. Just because you are paranoid, does not mean computers are not out to get you.
Three years ago, at Vulture Peak, I only made it up to the saddle, and did not have the confidence to make the final scramble. Doing Palomino Mountain (e.g. Aylor’s Arch) about this time last year, really made a difference in my confidence. So, while this was steep, and slippery, and with narrow ledges, my confidence only slightly wavered once, on the way up, just below the saddle. But I was taking my time, and watching my footing, and I trusted Pam to tell me where to go.
Once up to the saddle, the final scramble over to the summit, was no problem. Much merriment was had … and summit libations as well. PAM’S STRAWBERRIES ARE TO DIE FOR.
While on the way up, I had looked down once, and thought, “Wow, that is steep!” But once we actually started down, it really was not bad. Usually down hill is more difficult, but in this case I actually felt it was easier.
I was hoping to get down in time, to get back home, to catch the end of the Fiesta Bowl, but I knew that would not be possible. No disrespect to Notre Dame, but I am a Buckeye Baby, so I’m glad Ohio State won.
Distance: 2.18 mi.
AEG: 879 ft.
Time: 1h 45m
Hike Video
Hiking Roblas Butte, Supersition Mountains from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.