I msg’d tibber a couple of times, but didn’t hear back from her, so msg’d Jack for details on her big b-day bash. (Turns out that when you PM, you have to submit the msg twice — very confusing, and not a requirement elsewhere on Haz — for it to actually send, which I had failed to do.)
So, having received the details from Jack, I threw something together, hiking-wise at literally the last second. (A few minutes after finishing in Route Manager, me and my wife were out the door.) My idea was to hike up a wash near the Crosscut trail, for about 1.5 miles, then sideslope along the base of the big hill until I picked up the upper end of the #56 loop, continuing on that along the slope, continue on an unnumbered extension of #56 further along the base until picking up #53, whereupon I would head up Siphon Draw, before doubling back to the campground, where my understanding and much appreciated wife would be regaling the assembled masses with tales of my derring do.
The wash was slow going and, as expected, was much rockier than expected. I got out of the wash early, and started side sloping, which other than crossing other washes, was actually really easy & stab free movement. The only thing to watch out for, really, was sinking into gopher-tunnel under-mined ground. Eventually I bumped across a very obvious use trail, which brought me to #56. As I was running behind, and wanted to be at the party by 4, I headed down rather than across.
I worked my way through the campground, and saw several winnebagoes, but not my wife’s silver Mazda 3. I figured I would walk towards the front gate, and was just passing the dump station when some crazy lady went by waving her arms. I saw the Haz sticker, so I was like “Yes!!! She must know where the party is.” It was Kelly, who gave me a much appreciated lift.
Subsequently great times were had by all.
No movie. Did not even mean to take any photos, but could not help myself. Just wanted to relax and hang.
Distance: 4.45 miles
AEG: 533 ft.
Time: 2h 12m