I’m on pace to equal my personal second best total mileage for a year, of 678.35 miles, set in 2015, and also to smash my AEG of 88,760, set in 2014. I did a lot more “backyard hikes” in 2014, when I set my personal best mileage of 724.17 miles. Today was also a “backyard hike”, as I live on the Phoenix Mountains Preserve. Normally, I get out of the city for longer remote hike on Friday, but we have a leak in our irrigation main, and I have to stick around for our handyman. Also, I don’t normally blog my backyard hikes as there really isn’t anything interesting enough to blab about. And certainly not enough to make a hike video!
Today wasn’t really much different, or more interesting, except I recently banked a couple of videos for posting on a week, such as this one, where I was precluded from a fun hike. So, the question became, which do I post? A new Phoenix Asshole Drivers video or a hiking garbage video? Despite having encountered two Phoenix Asshole Drivers less than an hour ago — a yard crew almost hit me exitting the QT on 7th St., and the other asshole didn’t even slow down for a stop sign — as you might deduce from the above featured image, I went with the garbage.
Hiking in the Phoenix Mountains Preserve, most of the garbage consists of dog crap. (Someone please explain the logic of bothering to bag it, but then leaving it behind for the rest of us to enjoy?) Out in the boonies, most of the garbage is beer cans, of which 90%, no exagerration, are Bud Light. I thought about including beer cans, like I did in my previous hiking garbage video, but decided to save them for a future video. In the boonies, I also find lots of other garbage, including appliances and vehicles. Heck, the wash behind my house has three wrecks in it, including a 1950s milk truck!
Arizonans unfortunately practice LMT: Leave Much Trace.
I won’t be surprised if some day I find a human body.
Distance: 3.49 mi.
AEG: 519 ft.
Time: 1h 16m
Hiking Garbage Video
(I arranged some of the photos to tell a hopefully humorous story …)
Hiking Garbage #2 from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.
I found a new dead guy once in the McDowells. Not a good thing, he had been in the sun a few days????
I hear ya. Same here, except they were headless Iraqis north of Kuwait City after the Gulf War …