Up “late”, by my standards, for another 6:30 a.m. walk.
This morning, I simply headed west on Sumac Rd., almost all the way to the dead end, before turning around and heading back to our B&B.
As on my Tuesday loop to Winooski, most of my attention was directed towards the numerous roadside flowers. I have no idea what they are all called, but the same 4-5 species are bonkers everywhere in Sheboygan County. If you know what they are called, drop me a comment below.
At the top of the hill, I dashed across County E. Continuing west, I passed an apple orchard, a really nice spread with a private lake, and more corn fields. It’s a shame I am honest, or I would have picked a few ears. Wisconsin corn is the best! 🌽🤗
After curving north around a bit of swamp, and accidentally starting down some guy’s long drive way, I turned left on Sumac Rd., rather than continuing north on Oak Rd.
As I stepped off the road, through some weeds, to take a picture of a flower, I stopped dead in my tracks upon noticing a thumb size spider blocking my way. I stayed calm long enough to take his picture, before backing cautiously away.
There was a new house being built along the road. Not sure what it was going for, but I grabbed a land brochure from the info box, and they had paid $69,000 for only three acres. Houses are much cheaper in Wisconsin, so it seemed kind of odd land would be so costly.

I turned around at the Onion River, which is a trout fishing spot (limit two, 12″ minimum). I thought I heard something big in the woods, but after waiting a few minutes did not spot it. So, I headed back east on Sumac Rd. to our B&B.
Breakfast at The Inn on Hillwind could not be nicer: Different table linen & menu each morning. This morning, french toast with cream cheese spread and Drewry Farm maple syrup.
My wife & I spent the rest of the day driving up to Door County, where I had not been in 20-something years, since visiting my Gulf War-era girlfriend and her daughters, who lived in Sturgeon Bay. We drove the west side of the peninsula through the half dozen traffic-choked tourist towns: Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay, etc. At least there are many good ice cream parlors along the way. 🍦😛
We drove all the way to the end of the Door County peninsula at Northport, where the ferry leaves for Washington Island. I had never been all the way to the end. After watching some Lake Michigan waves, we took the less frequently trafficked WI-57 back along Door County’s east shore.
Distance: 4.98 mi.
AEG: 179 ft.
Time: 1h 32m
Roadside Flowers of Sheboygan County
Roadside Flowers of Sheboygan County from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.