A good way to learn any area is to bike it. You sense more on a bicycle than you do speeding by in a car. But you sense even more if you walk it.
Though I had been to Plymouth a few times before, to attend the dirt track races at the Sheboygan County fairgrounds, and had driven by Plymouth on WI-57 innumerable times, I had never actually experienced it.
My wife & I were staying in Plymouth, as our favorite Wisconsin B&B, the Rochester Inn in Sheboygan Falls, was already booked for race week at Road America. (Seeing our nephew, Matt McMurry race a prototype in the IMSA WeatherTech Championship was why we were back in my home state.)
As soon as I walked out the door of the hotel, my crappy Garmin 62S registered 1483 miles. That’s my next two year’s hiking sorted.
From our hotel, I headed across the street to a small park, following the paved path through a small park, past a falls, and some veterans’ memorials, then onto the sidewalk, heading east along Eastern Ave., which is the main road from WI-57 into Plymouth. The houses soon turned to large chain businesses. When I came to a car dealer, I turned north into a much newer community. The road dead-ended in a corn field. That’s Wisconsin!
Figuring I would be able to double back on some cross street, I headed up Pleasant View Rd., which was still rural. My path back west into town being blocked all the way until I got to the bike path along WI-23. The walk was going to be a bit longer than than the 3.5 miles I intended. No big.

The first road south which I came to that looked like it had houses, was Fairview Dr. I ended up walking right past the Plymouth dirt track.
Back in town, rather than taking Mill St. into “downtown”, I headed uphill along Collins St., which was a good choice as there were several historic houses that had once belonged to various late 19th Century Plymouth dignitaries.
As the racing at Road America would not begin until Thursday, after I showered back at the hotel, we took back country roads through Horicon Marsh to Beaver Dam, so my wife could make a pilgrimage to Nancy’s Notions, her favorite sewing & embroidery store.
Dinner was with my cousin Philip at the Lake Street Cafe in Elkhart Lake, which despite it only being Tuesday was already packed with race fans. Or maybe just FIBs?*
* Fucking Illinois Bastards
Distance: 4.87 mi.
AEG: 181 ft.
Time: 1h 25m