After losing my rag on I-15 in the middle of nowhere, in Phoenix Asshole Drivers #8, the next month was relatively stress free, despite other drivers’ best attempts to inflict further PTSD (Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder) upon me.
So far, I only have the one crappy SpyTec A118C forward facing dashcam. I’ve started thinking about getting a rear facing camera, or even 360° coverage. Not sure how to do that, as it took all my mechanical skills to install just the one camera. If you have any tips on two- or four-camera setups, or even write-to-DVD storage, like they have on security cameras, let me know!
This month’s PTSD-causing lowlights:
- Accident on the Loop 202.
- Light jumper thinks he’s John Force.
- Driver, tarp that load!
- Future organ donor.
- This month’s King Asshole.
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #9
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.