Many dashcammers put out 15+ minute videos every week. Another I follow does a 6-10 minute video every three days. Even if there is some good stuff in there, it’s just overwhelming, and many of the segments are repetitive, especially when it is the same type of assholery — e.g. running a stop sign — three, four or even five segments in a row. Pick the best, and cut the rest out. 🔪
Many of the incidents I see, I don’t click save. Of those I click save, many I later simply delete, unedited. Of those I edit, I inevitably throw several away as funnier or more horrifying events occur. It may not seem like it, but this is my best stuff. 😏
Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder (PTSD) lowlights:
- Dive bomb! 💣
- Old farts. 👴🏻
- Construction zones. 🚧
- Whoa Nellie! 🐴
- Queen Asshole. 👑
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #58
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.