After the relative calm of driving in Wisconsin, it is back to Arizona, for a heaping helping of PTSD (Phoenix Trafic Stress Disorder)!
Usually I am nonplussed by bad Phoenix drivers — that would be all the sighing you hear in my dashcam videos — but nothing pisses me off so much on the road as people are driving slower than they should. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way. Seriously, what is so hard to understand about merging at the speed of traffic? Not moseying down the on ramp at 30 under then FUCKING BRAKING! 😡
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #51: Enjoy!
- Redneck camper. 🤪
- Take it to the track Rice Rocket. 🚀
- Texters: Kill yourself before you kill others. 🤯🔫
- Live long & prosper. 🖖
- The King Asshole. 👑
And don’t forget to watch the Easter egg!
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #51
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.