One of Phoenix Asshole Drivers’ regular viewers asked on Twitter why the videos are not longer or more frequent?
Couple of reasons.
First, length. I think the rock / punk songs I use for the soundtrack are important for maintaining the momentum of the video when some incidents may visually be a bit slow. (But no less asshole-y.) But it is my experience that YouTube does not like it when you have more than one song in your video which is not part of its library. Just look at how they muted / mangled my otherwise completely awesome 24 Hours of America karting video. Another length factor is attention span: For most people it is short, self included, so I generally try to keep all my videos somewhere under five minutes. ⌚️
Second, frequency. Think of it like a municipality’s resevoir: If the city released all the water, then in a drought there would be a water shortage. But if they maintain their supply, the effect of a drought is greatly lessened. For the same reason, I keep a supply of incidents in my bank so I can manage a steady flow of videos, usually one a month. (Though January and February have been busy exceptions.) Especially since I don’t really drive that much due to the Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder (PTSD) it causes. 😣
February’s mid-month Phoenix Asshole Drivers:
- Five light runners in one morning. 🚨
- FedEx Follies. 🚚
- Failure to grasp the concept. 🤪
- Tricky fucker. 👀
- Mid-month King Asshole. 👑
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #21
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.