Twice a year, on the first Saturday in April and October, the White Sands Missile Range has an open house at the Trinity Site, where the first atomic bomb exploded in 1945. My wife and I finally made the trek, and along the way encountered a number of New Mexico Asshole Drivers.
Frankly, considering how many cars & trucks drifted nearly off the road, I am surprised I did not see any roadside memorials, other than a small three-grave cemetery in Oscuro, just north of Alamogordo. Maybe it’s the lack of population? I swear, New Mexico is emptier than Saudi Arabia.
So, here’s this month’s round of PTSD (Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder) inducing incidents:
- Please shut all gates.
- Don’t change lanes unless you have to.
- Drifting off the road. Not once. Not twice. Three times!
- Comic relief.
- Driver, tarp that load!
- This month’s King Asshole.
Phoenix Asshole Drivers #11 – New Mexico Road Trip
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.