I started hiking at 10:00 a.m. The weather was partly cloudy, upper 60s.
About 25 yds. past the trailhead, Pass Mountain Trail intersects Wind Cave Trail. Turn left (north) onto Pass Mountain Trail #282.
The trail skirts the northwest edge of Pass Mountain, gradually gaining altitude while dipping into frequent arroyos. Trail #282 is very narrow, with frequent erosion. There’s lots of cactus close to the trail. (As elsewhere at Usery Mountain Regional Park, watch out for cholla spike balls on the ground, so you don’t get stabbed through your shoe.)
After about two miles, you will reach lookout point, with great views of western Saguaro Lake and distant Fountain Hills. After the lookout point, Pass Mountain Trail #282 is closer to the mountain, and so more “ledgey” as you cross through small, shaded, east slope canyons. Terrain in the valley changes from desert to grasslands, with a distant cholla forest. This is my favorite part of the trail, as it is the furthest from civilation. Quiet, cool, beautiful, and away from most other hikers.
Just before Goldfield Saddle, the halfway point, is an open area that would make a good group rest stop. The saddle’s down slope is narrow slick rock, with a steep slope to your right side. Watch your footing. Pass Mountain Trail #282 also becomes much rockier, with 1-3″ rocks that could easily turn an ankle.
The next several miles sees a lot more foot traffic coming up from the Meridian Rd. trailhead on the southeast corner of Pass Mountain. Veer right (west) where this trail joins the one you are on. (The junction is unmarked.) Traffic gets much less as you head towards Cat Peaks, the little nubs just south of Pass Mountain.
Just before you reach the horse trailer trailhead, turn north. Pass Mountain Trail #282 begins a gentle ascent, but a very smooth surface, back to the Wind Cave trailhead.
Directions: From Loop 202 / Red Mountain Freeway in Mesa, take exit 24. Head east on McKellips Rd. for 2.2 miles. Turn left onto Ellsworth Rd. / Usery Pass Rd. In 2.2 miles, turn right onto Usery Park Rd. The Usery Mountain Regional Park entry fee is $6. In 1.5 miles, turn left onto Wind Cave Dr., parking at any of several lots on the one way loop road.
GPS File: Pass_Mountain_Trail_282
Distance: 7.40 mi.
AEG: 1,020 ft.
Time: 2h 30m