Wife flying in at 8:15 p.m. Left home at 4:45. Hit West Buttes Parking Lot at 5:30. Had to pee: Still no toilet, or even outhouse. 😬
Hiked 5k Fitness Trail.
Already getting dark. Figured it would be dark enough on west side to sneak into bush. It was. Just snuck in … here comes two people. 😳
Kept walking. Really desperate now. Hey! The golf course entrance has a outhouse. Sweet! It’s locked.😫
Pass by buttes at highpoint. Almost pitch black. Beautiful view with lights to south. Can’t stop for pix: Motion only thing keeping my trousers dry.
Barely able to see path, but found bush near end. Praise jeebus. 🤗
Left park at 6:30. Ranger waiting to lock up at 7:00.
Anyway …
Can the city / county please install some sort of facility at this very popular trailhead?
Directions: Depends entirely on where you live in the Valley. Between 52nd St. and 64th St., the West Buttes Parking Lot is located west of Galvin Parkway, at the only light between between Van Buren St. and McDowell Rd. (Phoenix Zoo is east at the same light.)
Distance: 3.10 mi.
AEG: 145 ft.
Time: 49m