I was intending to be winging my way home today, but my dad scored tickets to the game tomorrow, against Hawai’i, including pre-game field passes! (A friend of his is married to Urban Meyer’s personal assistant; again … connections. ) So, I stayed. It was actually a hard decision, as I was not sure I had left my kitty enough food and water. (Turns out, just barely, a return flight delay would not have been good.) So, I occupied the down day by walking across campus, including visiting the parking garage where I was conceived. (53 years ago it was an apartment …)
Distance: 2.50 mi.
AEG: 50 ft.
Time: 1h 30m
Skull Session
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.
Ramp Entrance & Rick Derringer Pre-Game
Bastards deleted this one too. YouTube probably attended That 💩 School Up North.