The weather went from chilly, but warming, on Saturday, to chilly all day on Sunday, to cold & snowy on Monday — which was, of course, the day we had chosen to visit the National Mall to see the cherry blossoms. It was too miserable to stroll the mall, so we ducked into the Smithsonian Air & Space museum for about an hour. It was crowded when we got there about 10am, and was shoulder-to-shoulder — mostly with inattentive, noisy, teens
— by the time we left. Cool displays, and I played “name the plane/rocket/missile” before we left. I bought an Apollo XIII “Failure is not an option” t-shirt, amongst other souvenirs. My wife wanted to visit Macy’s, so after stopping for hot soup at a sports bar across from the National Archives metro station, we continued walking up 7th St. NW, to the Verizon Center, before turning west on G St. NW. Entertainment was provided not by the woeful Washington Wizards, but rather by a screaming, running, crazy lady. We quickly crossed the street. Macy’s was disappointing, so we walked down to Pennsylvania Ave. NW, and hopped the 32 bus back to Georgetown.
Distance: 2.30 mi.
AEG: 75 ft.
Time: 1h 30m