About six years ago, someone at work noticed I wore a different t-shirt everyday. He wondered how many t-shirts I had. Having no clue, that evening I counted them. As I recall, it was about 70. I now have over 140!
When I recently bought my Cthulhu for President 2016 and Frankie MacDonald t-shirts, I thought it might be fun to turn my t-shirts into a video. In one frenetic afternoon, I photographed every graphic on all my t-shirts. It was quite the workout.
While it would be possible to put all those t-shirts into one video, who the hell would want to sit through a 30 minute video? Not me!
So, this is the first of an irregular series of t-shirt videos, posted when I have not been able to get out for a hike worth turning into a video.
Of the 23 t-shirts, here are the highlights:
- Cthulhu for President 2016: Why settle for the lesser evil?
- Frankie Says Be Prepared!: Frankie MacDonald, Canadian weatherman, is doing great reports all the time.
- Meteor Crater
- Royal Gorge
- Illegal Alien: This one actually glows in the dark.
- Four Corners
- Meers Store: Burgers so good I drove across country for them, which is how my t-shirt collection started.
- Roswell Road Kill Cafe
- Rick Springfield played our office party … serious!
- Pine Bluff Arsenal Golf Course: The caption is not a joke.
- My oldest t-shirt: You’ll never guess how old.
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T-Shirt Video
There was a video here, but YouTube deleted my account: I’m now on Rumble and Vimeo.