I had scheduled two days in Angleton, TX, for a kart race, followed by three days just north in Houston visiting family. When the kart race got cancelled due to too few entries, the visit became five days. (Can’t cancel plane tickets without some quality ankle-grabbing. ) I like to hike at least once wherever I go. I figured I could squeeze in at least one short hike, maybe two, with sessions in the hotel exercise room on the days where we had other plans. I looked around and … well … Houston is big. I knew that. But the side effect is that any rural hikes are well out of town. As the purpose of the trip was not hiking, or driving hours to a hike, I needed something inside the metro area. I happened upon the Houston Area Trail Runners map of Memorial Park. Works for me.

The “Ho Chi Minh Trail” — that’s its official name — is appropriate, at least for the Green Trail: It was narrow, muddy and heavily vegetated. Uncle Ho even had the remains of old concrete structures, like Kurtz’s compound in “Apocalypse Now”. (I kept myself amused during the hike by quoting dialog from the movie. )
I got misdirected numerous times, as there are many unofficial trails, which explains the difference between the official distance and the distance on this triplog. No big, can’t get lost.
Distance: 4.63 mi.
AEG: 450 ft.
Time: 1h 41m