Most recent first …
Mary Poppin’ Heads #BadGrittyReboots
Thomas the Tank Engine Pulls a Train #BadGrittyReboots
Bedknobs & Boomsticks #BadGrittyReboots
Today, Pope Francis announced the Hamburglar’s beatification.
Vatican McDonald’s to screen new Mel Gibson Biblical epic: “The Passion of the Grimace”
Coming after news of the Vatican McDonalds, the Anglicans announced a Burger King in Canterbury Cathedral and Jerusalem’s chief rabbi a Wailing Wall Whataburger.
Jesus went unto the Vatican McDonalds and divided two Filet-O-Fish amongst them all.
I went to confession before mass at the Vatican. The priest told me to say three Hail Mary’s and eat two quarter pounders.
I went to the new Vatican McDonalds and ordered a Big Mac. Kid behind the counter asked me, “Uh, you want some communion wafers with that?”
The new Vatican McDonald’s was blessed by Cardinal McCheese.
One day I went hiking …
Mongo only pawn in “Game of Life” #GameTVorMovie
School lunch vegetable #RejectedUsesForCandyCorn
They should sell spiders as a constipation cure.
I-94 Slushie #RejectedFallDrinks
Poulan Rouge #LumberjackMovies
Tony Castrato #RenameACharacterBadly @TheSopranos
Yoko = Guy Fieri #BeatlesForFoodies
There are two types of people in this world: Those who pick their nose, and those who lie about it.
Bow season coming up. Anyone know what the bag limit is? #Pokemon
Canadian Monopoly: How many toonies to put an igloo on Yonge Street?
Bi-Curious George #LessPopularChildrensBooks
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a ginger. #OneWordOffMovieQuotes #Goodfellas
We few, we chosen few, we band of bros. #OneWordOffMovieQuotes #HenryV
I ain’t got time to breed. #OneWordOffMovieQuotes #Predator
Beer, Beer, Beer #My3WordStruggle
I hate funeral processions. Who died and made you king?
Mississippi Bra Burning #FeministAMovie
The five basic food groups are sugar, salt, grease, caffeine and hops.
Someone asked me if I prefer pie, cake or pudding. I replied that I prefer cake, but am pie curious.
Carol Merril’s Box #AdultFilmAMovieOrTVShow
Ralph Kramden’s Bang Bus #AdultFilmAMovieOrTVShow
Deep Inside Mr. Belvedere #AdultFilmAMovieOrTVShow
Your brother is the father. #EndARomanceIn5Words
Rectalcraniotomy #UnlikelyMedicalProcedures
#IfIWereACelebrity I’d date Taylor Swift for at least a week.
Will pay for jokes. #GetMyAttentionIn4Words
Danny & The Seniors #PutYourDadInABand
Never trust anyone who doesn’t lick their own butthole.
Pooping no longer fun. #GettingOldIn4Words
Off Duty Cop 50 Meter Pistol #MyUnOlympicEventWouldBe
Guanabera Bay Turd Bobbing #MyUnOlympicEventWouldBe
Licks his hairy balls. #MyBestFriendIn4Words
Dial 900 porn cheaper. #TherapyIn4Words
Piss on the Rocks #BadDrinkNames
Private Ryan: Paintball Battles #KeepAFilmSafe
Ass Pong #PutButtsInAVideoGameTitle
I have a billion dollars. #ArouseMeIn5Words
I have a loaded gun. #EndAnArgumentIn5Words
The Taking of Pelham 1 … uh, 2 … uhm … #MakeAFilmLessIntelligent
Clodspell #MakeAFilmLessIntelligent
Starring Sylvester Stallone! #MakeAFilmLessIntelligent
Frank & Beans Goes to Hollywood #CookAn80sBand
Aldo Nova Lox #CookAn80sBand
Ratt-atouille #CookAn80sBand
Depeche ala Mode #CookAn80sBand
Flock of Fried Seagulls #CookAn80sBand
Hair #MoviesDescribingTrumpHair Here baby, there mama, everywhere daddy, haiiiiir ….
Dessert: The most important meal of the day.
Could not care less. #FacebookIn4Words
Moby Ick #RemoveALetterSpoilABook
Schlitz My Dad Says #BeerAMovie (Okay it was a TV show …)
Bring Me the Moosehead of Alfredo Garcia #BeerAMovie
The Last Bierhaus on the Left #BeerAMovie
De Halve Maan in the Moon #BeerAMovie
Out of India Pale Ale #BeerAMovie
Steel Reserve Dogs #BeerAMovie
Cross of Iron City #BeerAMovie
Silence of the Lambics #BeerAMovie
The Beer Hunter #BeerAMovie
From Beer to Eternity #BeerAMovie
Jokers Wild Geese #GameShowMovieMashUp
Ramen and Sriracha #DinnerIn3Words
I think microwaving gas station burritos requires magic spells: Mine always have a bean-sicle on the inside.
As a conservative Christian, should Ted Cruz really be pulling out?
I tried blaming my farts on the dog, but my wife wasn’t buying it. Maybe I should get a dog?
“Maserati” just doesn’t have the same ring to it when it contains Chrysler parts. $80,000 K-Car.
Manic Monet #SongAnArtist
Magritte May #SongAnArtist
Copperhead Rodin #SongAnArtist
Go Al Wei Wei #SongAnArtist Remember the Raspberries? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULL7apmAJTE
Hirst So Good #SongAnArtist
Those seeds on the outside of fancy bread? Bread sperm that didn’t get lucky.
The leftovers from dad’s balls. #SiblingsIn5Words (Yes, I am the oldest …)
If you say “Candyland” five times Tony Todd will murder your ass. #FakeBoardGameFacts
The star on the Cowboys helmet is a participation award.
There are no winners in Hasbro’s “The Game of Life”. Everybody dies. #FakeBoardGameFacts
Pinky and Euronymous’s Brain #TurnAKidsTVShowMetal
Blue Cheer’s Clues #TurnAKidsTVShowMetal
Barney’s Anal Blast #TurnAKidsTVShowMetal
It’s prison policy. #ReasonsForMyDoorBeingLocked
I like Southern food: Collards, Cheer Wine, pecan pie. Waffle House is my shrine. So, when I die, bury me in biscuits and gravy.
Disappointed I got no black eggs on Easter. Guess I need to wait for Plague Bunny.
Beer and porn. Jerk off. #My5WordRomanceNovel
#ICantBelieveIJustSaw my own dick. It’s been years. I must be losing weight.
Chico & The Man: The Suicide Tapes #HeartBreakATVShow @YatesComedy
Flipper Caught in Tuna Net, Turned Into Sushi #HeartBreakATVShow
Gentle Ben Rapes DiCaprio #HeartBreakATVShow
Unprotected sex with a Thai hooker. #SaferThanATrumpRally
Florida: We’re the state that looks like a dribbling penis. #BadMottosForStates
This one time at band camp … #ThingsYouHearAtConfession @FailsLife
Ezekiel 25:17 #ThingsYouHearAtConfession @FailsLife (Though the penance is a bit harsh.)
I put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp. I also put the ram in the rama lama ding dong. #ThingsYouHearAtConfession @FailsLife
#ImInYourHomeBecause 我挖了来自中国的这个洞。 @TheHashtagGame @KattFunny (“I dug this hole from China.”)
#ImInYourHomeBecause I’m the ghost of an Indian warrior and it was built on my grave. Boo. @TheHashtagGame @KattFunny
#ImInYourHomeBecause We got married last night. Don’t you remember? @TheHashtagGame @KattFunny
#ImInYourHomeBecause I’m a fly, and I just pooped in your Wheaties. @TheHashtagGame @KattFunny
#ImInYourHomeBecause The window screen was loose. @TheHashtagGame @KattFunny
@excedrin Seeing this ad all the time give me a headache. I think I’ll take a Motrin.
Intervention? I thought you said “furry convention”! #ThisIntervention
Some folks are full of themselves. Bono is overflowing …
Lifetime Supply of Chai Latte #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
Partly Cloudy Average Guy #CheapKnockOffSongs
Ringing Heaven’s Bell … Mama put my buzzer in the ground, I won’t ring it anymore … #CheapKnockOffSongs
I Did It The Way My Boss Ordered Me To #CheapKnockOffSongs
To All The Girls I’ve Been Just Friends With Before #CheapKnockOffSongs
Club Fed Blues #CheapKnockOffSongs
Daydream Agnostic #CheapKnockOffSongs
Escalator to Purgatory #CheapKnockOffSongs
Plain Jane On the Run #CheapKnockOffSongs
A homicidal leprechaun. #FoundAtTheEndOfMyRainbow
One creepy old guy. #SpringBreakIn4Words @midnight
The Rose … you didn’t get me on our anniversary don’t you love me anymore am I fat? It’s another woman isn’t it? #makeafilmhormonal
Dating young lawyer named “Ted”. #CancelPlansIn5Words
My parole has been revoked. #CancelPlansIn5Words
Indiana Jones and The Enema of Doom #FakeIndy5Titles
Barbecued Ribonucleic Acid #ScienceFoods @midnight
Yellowcake #ScienceFoods @midnight (might have to be a physics geek to get that …)
@excedrin I kill pain the old fashioned way: With booze.
Let’s just say, Mary was not a virgin. #WhyIDidntGetIntoHeaven
Billy Jacksie #FilmsForButts
Starship Poopers #FilmsForButts
The Craptasticks #FilmsForButts
Lola Has The Runs #FilmsForButts
The Good, The Bad & The Butt Ugly #FilmsForButts
Starring J Lo and Ben Affleck in a a romantic comedy, it’s “Jacksie Girl”! #FilmsForButts
Poofinger #FilmsForButts … Who’s the man, the man with the stinky touch, its POO-FINGERRRR!!!
Fund my crap #SXSWin3Words @midnight
Citizen Cane #ClassicFilmsForSeniors
Poop Another Day #ClassicFilmsForSeniors
Ooooooh … PUMPKIN PIE! #MormonCussing
Roadkill Buffet #RejectedLunches
Snap into a Snail Stik! Oooooo-YEAH!!! #RejectedLunches
Keeping Up With the Kommunists: Stalin & Lenin go shopping in St. Petersburg. Hilarity ensues! #HistoricalTVShows
Next on Keeping Up With the Kommunists … A “Very Special Episode”: Mao transitions. #HistoricalTVShows
Tanqueray Gin is Fine #NewMeaningsForTGIF
Shamrock Shakes are green heroin. #StPaddysDayin5Words
Women #WeirdThingsICantUnderstand
Relatives in Kentucky #BadSexIn3Words @midnight
Paaaar-kay. #MotherEarthsLastWords
If Maria Sharapova got busted for PEDs, what are the Williams sisters on? They look like sumo wrestlers!
GG Allin got his start as a child gospel singer. #Fake1990sFacts
Courtney Love was straight edge. #Fake1990sFacts
Bow hunting mosquitoes is too difficult. #WhyICouldNeverBeCanadian @HashtagRoundup
I know how to pronounce “about”. #WhyICouldNeverBeCanadian
Brandy wrote the captain of the ship demanding half the sailor’s pay and all of his BAQ. #EpiloguesToSongs
Casey Anthony found not guilty! #EpiloguesToSongs (Butcher Baby by The Plasmatics)
Local surfer found dead. #EpiloguesToSongs (Wipeout)
To all the girls I loved before … I got AIDS. #EpiloguesToSongs
Next on Dr. Phil: Pagliacci Bares His Soul! #EpiloguesToSongs
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy #EpiloguesToSongs (Ain’t That a Kick in the Head)
Would you like some of our literature? #EpiloguesToSongs (All Along the Watchtower)
The Doors: The Index #EpiloguesToSongs
Donald Trump Hair Care Tips #UnpopularYouTubeTutorials
Can Trump blow himself like @RealRonJeremy?
#FridayFeeling awestruck by Trump’s boomstick.
God Save the Queen-Sized Bed #FurnitureASong
Grandma was John Holmes fluffer #BadJobIn5Words @midnight
Johnny Manziel’s Next Sobriety Counselor #BadJobIn5Words
I’ve tried using my wife’s Samsung. Would rather attempt a self-circumcision with a rusty knife and no pain killers.
Green Eggs & Ham in the State Pen #GrittyDrSeuss
Denny’s at 3:00 a.m. #DatingLifeIn4Words
Is your sister single? #DatingLifeIn4Words
Dial One Nine Hundred #DatingLifeIn4Words
A long, distant, memory. #DatingLifeIn4Words
People have clothes for the same reasons animals have tails: So you don’t have to look at their butthole.
A Jimmy Fallon joke. #UnlikelyCauseOfLaughter
Brunch Davidians #BreakfastCelebs
Hair of the Dog the Bounty Hunter #BreakfastCelebs
Coldplay Pizza #BreakfastCelebs
Coco Puffs Austin #BreakfastCelebs
John Holmes Breakfast Sausage: Bet you can’t more than one! #BreakfastCelebs
John Candy’s finest moment was “Canadian Bacon”. Unfortunately it was also his last one.
Pulling wings from a bug. #KidOlympicEvents
Quentin Quisp #BreakfastCelebs
Boo Berry White #BreakfastCelebs
Cap’N Crunch & Tennille #BreakfastCelebs
Beat Our Offal #AutocorrectedMusic (Bat Out of Hell)
Koi Anus Cat See #AutocorrectedMusic (Koyaanisqatsi)
Crawling King Snack #AutocorrectedMusic
When you meet a girl, sniff her butt. If it works for your dog, it will work for you. #UnhingedDatingTips
Snow White Pregnant: Doesn’t Know Which Dwarf is the Baby Daddy #UpdateAFairyTale
#JebsNextMove? Wal-Mart Greeter
#IveGrownAccustomedTo being anally violated by computers.
#IfWeLostWifi — — .-. … . / -.-. — -.. .
Having Bud Light is bad enough. Having a case of Bud Light? Not sure there’s a way to make that situation good.
Prolapse Fiction #GrossSchmovies
Breakfast at Denny’s #TheSequelToMySexTape
Zed Gets A Pair of Pliers And A Blowtorch #TheSequelToMySexTape
Real Housewives of Wisconsin #TheSequelToMySexTape
OH GOD!Father #TheSequelToMySexTape
My Ding-A-Ling #SongsAboutForgettingYourPants … No need to change that song title!
I’m Free! I-i-‘m freee … #SongsAboutForgettingYourPants
Directed by Michael Bay. #MakeAnActionFilmTedious
Deliverance: A Love Story #DebbieDownerAMovie
“Energy bars” are candy bars with better PR.
I have PTSD : Phoenix Traffic Stress Disorder.
Scratch me, if you want to live. #AdviceFromMyPet
The Graduate In Debt Up To His Eyeballs #ModernizeAClassicFilm … “Plastics, Benjamin? Are you freakin’ serious!? Comp Sci!”
The Hedge Fund Father #ModernizeAClassicFilm