The Swap Ammo form allows the player to move ammo between like positions between waves and wave attacks. No penalty is incurred by swapping ammo. Ammo may not be ‘thrown away’ during the swap, nor may extra ammo be magically ‘acquired’. Hereafter, “single gun” refers to both single .50s on B-17s and B-24s, and twin .303s on the Lancaster, while “twin gun” refers to twin .50s on B-17s and B-24s, and quad .303s on the Lancaster.

Max: The max column indicates the maximum amount of ammo that may be stored at a given position.
Ammo: The ammo column lists the ammo currently available on the bomber. White indicates single gun positions, while pale cyan indicates twin gun positions. Tabbing off a position, recalculates the ammo total for that gun type; max remains unchanged. Overwrite the existing value with your new value.
Bomb Bay Ammo: The bomb bay ammo row is only visible if the bomb bay contains extra ammo. (Only YB-40s may carry extra ammo in the bomb bay.) Ammo in the bomb bay is treated as ‘boxes’ of ammo, so that it may be used to replenish both single guns and twin guns. Two boxes of bomb bay ammo equals one unit of twin gun ammo.
Single Gun Total: The single gun total row indicates how much single gun ammo is on the bomber (ammo column), and how much the bomber started with (max column).
Twin Gun Total: The twin gun total row indicates how much twin gun ammo is on the bomber (ammo column), and how much the bomber started with (max column).
OK Button: Validates the ammo totals, commits the ammo swap, then closes the form allowing the mission to continue.
Cancel Button: Back out of the ammo swap without making any changes, then close the form allowing the mission to continue.
Help Button: Pop up this help file.
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