Visiting 3-year old grandaughter for Easter, for second year in a row. Wanted to do another Maryland segment on the Appalachian Trail. Maryland is only about 35-miles wide along the AT, so five segments … one if you are a Teva, and feeling frisky. Next year, I plan on hiking south from Crampton Gap to Harper’s Ferry, just across the Potomac River in West Virginia.
You can read the hike description I added for most of the details, but it was cold when me and my shuttle-driving wife arrived at Crampton Gap. So cold, that after taking a few pictures of Townsend’s Monument, I got back in the car to warm up for a few minutes before starting.

The port-a-potty at Crampton Gap looked like it had not been pumped since the battle in 1862.
Stubbed my toe eight times, but only fell once. (200 yards from the end.) Bashed my head twice, but that was on a lamp in our hotel room, as the AT conservancy does a good job clearing branches. The trail itself probably does not require much maintenance due to heavy traffic. (One scoutmaster I passed had one of his Cub Scout’s plush deer in his pack; he laughed when I asked him if he had a tag for it.)
Found a glove on a tree branch; left it in case the freezing guy came back for it. Picked up a few other items along the way, but the trail is mostly very clean — especially considering the traffic.

Verizon reception is mostly 2 bars, but often 3 bars. By the Lamb Knoll commo towers it is 4 bars.
At one point a trail runner was coming up behind me. I thought he would have passed me quicker, but it was not until we got to the top of a short rise. He complemented me on my pace, which was pretty cool.
Jogged half of the last mile as I was behind schedule.

I have always taken trail notes by jotting them either on my paper MapDex topo copy or in a spiral flip notebook. I started out doing that, then realized I could take audio notes on my recently acquired IPhone. I’ll spare you the heavy breathing.
GPS File: AT_Crampton_Gap_to_Turners_Gap
Distance: 8.41 miles
AEG: 1,400 ft.
Time: 2h 49m