I figured it was about time to start acclimating to higher elevations, as I won’t too many more hikes in the Valley until November. prescottstyle suggested going for a mineral hunt in Copper Basin. To avoid giving away any secret stashes, no geocodes on the photos. Saw a big dump truck down in the canyon (a flip over, since stripped). A huge house, with 25 foot glass windows, belonging to the widow of Cesar Chavez. You know, the guy who unionized the grape pickers? Yeah.
After finding some nice samples of things I can’t remember the names of, we wandered further south in the basin, until we happened upon a wrecked car. It was the same wrecked car I had seen on my Wilhoit Mine Loop #1 hike 18 months ago, except back then I was heading north. We saw a lot of javelina tracks, and almost hit a mama & baby crossing the road on our way out. Other than one small cluster of orange flowers, everything was purple. Lupines out the wazoo.
Distance: 5.83 mi.
AEG: 834 ft.
Time: 3h 00m