Down at the pub at a more reasonable hour this morning — 0700, rather than the more common 0430 — to watch Celtic take on Ross County. For those who don’t follow the intricacies of Scottish football, Ross County is from the village of Dingwall, some miles north of the Highland’s “big town” of Inverness. Dingwall has a population of around 5,500. Dingwall could fit into Celtic’s stadium eleven times. Ross County playing Celtic is equivalent, in Arizona terms, to a Bisbee softball team taking on the Arizona Diamondbacks. On a regular basis.
You would, therefore, expect Celtic to hammer Ross County on an equally regular basis. Oh ye of excessive faith! This has been the Season from Hell. I won’t go into the reasons here, but rest assured that at the end of this morning’s match, I and the millions of Celtic supporters around the world were supremely pissed. The final score was 1:1, at home, and we were lucky not to lose.
I had hoped we could celebrate the Easter Rising, which happened 100 years ago today, with a win, but it was not to be. So, I worked off my frustration by walking home from the pub. Or from Dreamy Draw trailhead, where my wife dropped me off on the way home.
Distance: 4.71 mi.
AEG: 636 ft.
Time: 1h 30m