I plan on taking a nap this afternoon, so I did my last hike of the year yesterday, the 30th.
60° when I started hiking at 1510. I decided a bit of urban exploring was in order, so I walked the streets east to Cave Creek Rd. I found an amazing cactus garden — including the largest agave I’ve ever seen — on the corner of Yucca St. & 14th St. I’ve driven, biked, and occasionally walked, through the area many times, but apparently I somehow failed to actually navigate that particular intersection. It’s worth checking out if you are in the neghborhood.
After crossing Cave Creek Rd., I checked out a bum nest, then got on Trail 100. At the saddle where it crosses the hills, there is a very steep side trail I had never been on. Thinking about Pam’s New Year’s hike, up it I went. Afterwards I x-countried to the trail to the metal tank atop Cortez St., took the tunnel under the road, then mostly roads back home. 58° when I finished at 1645.
Distance: 3.82 mi.
AEG: 623 ft.
Time: 1h 25m
Nothing on this hike worth turning into a video, though I have a notion to a do a “Phoenix Homes & Gardens” tour video of Phoenix’s finest bum nests at some point in the future.
Instead, I put together a video of my favorite photos from 2015:
Best Photos: 2015 from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.