Dinner with my Dad tonight, and did not think I could get a decent hike in up north, and still make it back in time. (Let alone shower …) So, since I had to drop my wife off at the airport at 0500, I figured I would do a hike somewhere in that general direction. I used Route Manager’s “Mapped Areas” In View: All, and this is what caught my eye.
On my way east on US 60, I figured I would stop at the Waffle House in Apache Junction. The purpose was three fold: Hope for the rain to end (thunder woke me up at 0220), wait for light, and … HASH BROWNS!!!
I missed the exit.
Oh well. I continued on. I got to the trailhead at the base of Roblas Butte, no problem. FR 357 is a good road. FR 172 and FR 252 are a bit bumpy in spots, but probably still car drivable if you take your time.
It was still pitch black when I started. I had a head lamp, which I bought for mine exploring, but it took me some time to find my way down the tangled 30 ft. bluff into the Hewitt Canyon wash bed. I booked up FR 252 to Roblas Canyon, as it began getting light.
Roblas Well had two spring boxes, three tanks, and a non-functional windmill (with solar panels). Despite taking my time, and a bit of wandering, I did not see any signs of mining in Roblas Canyon, other than a few claim poles/signs, but it has some nice rock formations and saguaro. Indeed, the whole loop is rich with beautiful saguaro. Highly recommended for the saguaro alone!
There is much evidence of OHV and shooting activity through out the area, but particularly along the FRs.
The photoset can be summed up in four words: Roblas Butte and saguaros.
GPS File: Bomboy Mine & Roblas Canyon
Distance: 12.06 miles
AEG: 1,271 ft.
Time: 5h 28m
Hike Video
Exploring Bomboy Mine & Roblas Canyon from Preston McMurry on Vimeo.