On 241-something miles for the year and want to make 250 so I headed out to Lake Pleasant after watching my European soccer team embarrass itself down at the pub. Like I just commented under the hike description, this is a really well done trail. Even though the mountain goes up quick from the road, following the ridgeline has just the right amount of switches to give you a good workout, without undo chance of a coronary. Much steeper if approached from the north end (counterclockwise), so I went up the ridgeline (clockwise). Final half mile is a bit loose, and steeper, but not bad. There’s a summit log, but someone made the unfortunate decision to put it in a glass bottle, which to no surprise has since broke. Great views, but if gunfire makes you nervous, this may not be for you, as I heard gunfire coming from at least three different directions, a mile or two off. The north end of the trail crosses the mountain’s slope, and so the washes running off it. There’s also quite a few mud flats. As a result, you may occasionally find yourself a bit off route. Just do what I did, and look for the redneck breadcrumbs (shot up beer cans) and you will get back on track.
Distance: 5.03 mi.
AEG: 1,302 ft.
Time: 2h 18m