Mining Mountain – Vale School
Had a Aravaipa Property Owners Association meeting on Sunday, so I decided to head down a few days early to relax with my wife (and […]
Had a Aravaipa Property Owners Association meeting on Sunday, so I decided to head down a few days early to relax with my wife (and […]
Ride for the Children is an annual mid-April charity bike ride to benefit homeless kids. Basically, it is a loop around Mummy Mountain. Note that […]
Another fairly common bike loop of mine: Head east on Peoria into the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. Realize I had forgot my water. (Not a normal […]
Listed as “road biking” as it was mostly canal, streets and bike paths, even though I ride a mountain bike. Down to Crack Whore Corner […]
The wind that felt so good when I was walking, sucked when I was biking it home. Sweating wrists dousing laptop as I type. It’s […]
Car’d flat tire bike to shop yesterday. It was a necessity. Today, I could either car to pick it up, or I could hoof it, […]
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