The National Mall, in Washington D.C.

National Mall

2013-03-25 0

The weather went from chilly, but warming, on Saturday, to chilly all day on Sunday, to cold & snowy on Monday — which was, of […]

Przewalski's Horse ... male in back kept getting kicked by the female in front. We left before my grandaughter witnessed anything unexplainable to a 3-year old.

National Zoo

2013-03-24 0

Our second full day in DC, we planned on visiting the National Zoo with our younger son and his family. We took the 32 bus […]

"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"

Georgetown Loop

2013-03-23 0

M Street NW and Wisconsin Avenue NW are the main streets in Georgetown, and their intersection is ground zero for this hike. Both are extremely […]