I find your lack of Scarlet & Grey disturbing.

Ohio State Campus Walk

2015-09-11 0

I was intending to be winging my way home today, but my dad scored tickets to the game tomorrow, against Hawai’i, including pre-game field passes! […]

Sheboygan Falls : Brickner Woolen Mills

Sheboygan Falls, WI

2015-06-07 0

I had intended to do a second walk around Sheboygan Falls yesterday, but was too stiff after my Ice Age Trail 14-miler the day before. […]

Looking from the castle walls, east past St. Giles Cathedral to Arthur's Seat.

Edinburgh Castle

2014-03-26 0

We walked up High Street — which in Edinburgh is a mile of kebab/pizza/fish & chips restaurants, historical markers, and tourist tchotchke shops — to […]

"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"

Georgetown Loop

2013-03-23 0

M Street NW and Wisconsin Avenue NW are the main streets in Georgetown, and their intersection is ground zero for this hike. Both are extremely […]