Hotel Exercise Room

The Cosmopolitan

Hotel Gym

Up early (6:30 a.m.) to hit the hotel gym despite drinking two classic martinis (olives = dinner :-D ), a whiskey (Glenfiddich 12 yo, straight) followed by a 20 oz. craft beer, a delicious Holstein’s shake (made with another shot of booze), and two Cosmopolitans (because we were at the Cosmo) … and nothing else that I remember. ;-) That’s the wonderful thing about a martini, a *real* martini: 100% pure alcohol, no foofy stuff to cut the effect. So, I sweated it out.

That evening my wife, my step-mom’s widower, my nephew (who works at the Cosmo) and I attended the Bradley-Chaves HBO fight in the Cosmo’s Chelsea Theater. The main event went to a draw, but I was happy because on the undercard two Irish fighters both won by knockout — including Sean Monaghan, the guy I biked next to on Thursday.happy_dance

Distance: 13.50 mi.

AEG: 0 ft.

Time: 40m